Wirdi Saha

With the explosion of DeFi, Crypto and the scaling of the Bitcoin network & digital gold, the world of Blockchain and cryptocurrency is enjoying far more attention than it has received in the past. For this reason, governments and regulatory agencies are putting things in place to see how…
Despite Bitcoin’s price hovering above the $10k mark, the hash rate continues to spike higher, reaching a new all-time high. Hash rate is a designation used to qualify the speed at which a computer is able to proficiently process crypto transactions or hashing computations in general . When the…
You probably haven’t given in to the thoughts to bitcoin taxation and that one day you could be paying taxes on your cryptocurrency holdings and trades. In 2014, the IRS declared Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as properties which makes them subject to taxation. But how many crypto investors are…
The share price of Overstock has witnessed an unprecedented record-breaking rally and stands as one of the best-performing assets in the Covid-19 era with over 3200% gains. Following the company’s decision to issue digital dividends to its shareholders, the share price has assumed a bullish trend. Overstock’s digitally issued…
Timestamp Magazine